
Showing posts from July, 2022

Imaginations and Other Essays, author: Prakash Thapa

  Because life is a movement and it moves moment to moment, it is never at rest, it goes on changing moment to moment so how can we live in fixation, how can we live stationary relative to space-time?  Most of the time we think of narrow concepts and we have narrow thinking so that we do not see things differently to that of what everyone is doing and this very thinking degrades us, destroys our creative spirit so that we are bound to live in miseries.  Are we really experiencing such thing, are we really aware about such happenings, are we really observing things that surround us? If we are really watchful to these things, we can get rid of the problems, we can come out of such difficult traps liberating ourselves from such troubles.  But understanding truth only in words does not bring change, does not bring any fundamental difference in life because words are not real and how we are living is different to that of the mere definitions

Imaginations and Other Essays, author:PrakashThapa

  If we are able to observe everything very carefully that happens around us and that comes across i,n life then we will be able to understand the nature of things and events and possibly get rid of the problems that surround us.  Because we live dividedly and live in fragments for we cannot understand the totality of existence, the totality of being because we divide things to fragments, divide the wholeness of existence into smaller entities so that we cannot understand truth and realities in actuality.  For instance we do something for a while and immediately we shift our activity to something else and it goes on and on so that we cannot fix our attention to something else watchfully, and how can we really observe the nature of things in actuality?  This very process of life is a kind of slip from reality, a kind of deviation from truth and realities so that we do not know how things move in particular and also we do not know the movement of life as well. 

Imaginations and Other Essays, author:Prakash Thapa

If we are able to observe everything very carefully that happens around us and that comes across i,n life then we will be able to understand the nature of things and events and possibly get rid of the problems that surround us.  Because we live dividedly and live in fragments for we cannot understand the totality of existence, the totality of being because we divide things to fragments, divide the wholeness of existence into smaller entities so that we cannot understand truth and realities in actuality.  For instance we do something for a while and immediately we shift our activity to something else and it goes on and on so that we cannot fix our attention to something else watchfully, and how can we really observe the nature of things in actuality?  This very process of life is a kind of slip from reality, a kind of deviation from truth and realities so that we do not know how things move in particular and also we do not know the movement of life as well.