PhD Synopsis by Prakash Thapa

 #PhD #Synopsis by Prakash Thapa

Writings on Travel, nature, love, silence, freedom  and compassion

                                Prakash Thapa, PhD Scholar

                                  Manipur Int'l University 



Reflecting the very essence of life, love, compassion,nature, freedom and silence through the fusion of travel and creative writing is a life enhancing experience. Moreover, travel is the expression of the inner self of an individual, it is one of the life-generating forces, it is creative, it is inspiring and transformational. It is the essence of every human being because the human existence and civilization has been started since the time immemorial. So it seems that travel is genetic inheritance of every individual and therfore man loves to travel to new places, new culture, civilization, new life pattern and dimensions of life. Moreover, travel is the instinctual drive of humanity by which he seeks the new space-time dimension in the universe. 

Keywords: Travel, life and transformation, nature, love and compassion 


Travel is an expression of life. It is an art of self transformation.Travelling gives timeless impression of life. So it survives ever. Moreover, man is even thinking of the interstellar travel to find new dimension of life in space as part of his travel instinct. 

This research work is therefore a blend of travel literature, philosophy of life, love, compassion and the quest of life in esssence. In order to carry out this work, the researcher has extensively travelled the highlands of Nepal and also some parts of Europe, experiencing life of people, their culture,customs and the nature in essence.  

The research work therefore explores the inherent truth of humanity with respect to nature, love, silence, freedom and the quantum realities of life in essence. It also highlights the significance of life, for life is a beautiful gift of nature and  existence. 

According to Rinpoche (1994),  the Buddha says that every man is a potential Buddha and that life is a blend of love, nature, beauty, silence, compassion and new insights. Moreover, travel generates new horizons in life, so it is life enhancing component in essence. 

This research significantly focuses on movements of life and understanding the essential nature of bliss and human compassion so as to illuminate life. So human life is rare phenomenon, so that one has to think, meditate and find the purpose of life and existence relative to space-time.

Moreover, Tagore (2002) suggests that there should be no restrictions in life so that life can blossom into the greater realms of being and existence. 

So travelling various places and understanding the vitality of life in terms of freedom and human existence does have a significant meaning in the socio- cultural development of human existence. So travelling, observing silence and nature, meditation and freedom are inherent in every man since time immemorial. 


-To understand the inherent truth of humanity with respect to nature, love and compassion.

-To study the multiple perspectives of humanity such as culture, customs, social harmony, peace and integrity, the spell of nature, new patterns of life, new thoughts and creative dimension of humanity through travelling, for travel is an instinctual drive of an individual by which he seeks new space-time dimension in life. 

#Review of #literature 

In regard to travelling and exploration, Orhan Pamuk (2007) states that the traveller comes across nature and silence, and he can interpret various dimensions of life in relation to his particular virtues, pleasures, belongings and relationships.

Likewise, the Dalai Lama  (1998) also states that everyvman has his own Buddha Nature by which he tries to integrate with nature and existence. So everyone tries to identify his existence irelative to his personal experiences and realizations. So by travelling to new places, man can find the deeper meaning of life and existence. 

Similarly, Coelho (2018) states that while travelling the world, a man thereby understands the essential nature of existence, so that the universe, ultimately understands his desire and helps him fulfil his inner dreams into a reality.

Moreover, Osho (n.d.) states that movement in life brings positivity and changes.Movement leads to the world of imagination. So movement is life- positive and brings renewal in life. So a man can understand the basics of life, nature, love, silence and the compassionate nature of  being and existence. 

According to Krishnamurti (2004), the thought may rebel against the established pattern of life so that travelling can be considered as the breakthrough in life, and it can generate new insights and thinking thereby understanding various dimensions of life and existence.


This research is extensively based on the journey of the highlands of Nepal and also some parts of Europe between 2000 AD and 2020 AD, thus covering 20 years of travelling, self exploration, contemplation and the inner realization. So the genre of travel literature has been adopted as the main method in this research  in order to materialize the travel experiences of life and humanity into the creative travel writing. 

The secondary resources are based on the books of travel literature, philosophical discourses, talk shows on quantum mechanics specially the talks on space-time concepts, the expanding universes and Buddhism in regard to the theory of impermanence, silence and human compassion.


Travelling to new places thereby realizing the spell of nature, the landscapes, people and their culture, the movements of life, beauty, silence, freedom, love and compassion, and manifesting them in travel writing is life transforming and it also helps develop awareness in regard to genre of nature writing. 


This research work is extensively based on the journey of self exploration, covering 20 years of thought journey between 2000 AD and 2020 AD, coming across nature travel, meditation, silence, love and universal compassion relative to blissful living and transformation. 

The present day generation has  to search for universal compassion thereby preserving nature and its beauty, ethnic culture and identity so as to live in peace and harmony. 

Moreover, writing in terms of nature, its beauty and compassionate nature, silence, love and compassion will help humanity to live meaningful lives. 


Chapter 1: Theoretical Background 


                    Review of Literature 



Chapter 2: The Genre of Travel Literature 

Chapter 3: Travel and Transformation 

Chapter 4: Travel is an Art of Expression of Life 

Chapter 5: Towards Annapurna, Upper Mustang, Everest Gokyo,  Langtang Valley and Europe 

Chapter 6: Space-time Thoughts

Chapter 7: London, Thames River and Consciousness 

Chapter 8: The Movements of Life 

Chapter :9 Nature Silence, Love, Freedom and Compassion 

Chapter 10 :  Nature, Life and Universal Compassion


Coelho, Paulo. 2018. The Alchemist. Noida: Harper  Collins Publishers.

Davis, Wade. [2011] 2012. Into the Silence: The Great War, Mallory and the Conquest of Everest. Reprint, London: Vintage Books. 

Hawking Stephen. [1993] 1994.Black Holes and the Baby Universes. London: Bantam Books.

Krishnamurti, J. 2004. Commentaries on Living. Chennai: Krishnamurti Foundation India.

Lama, Dalai. 1998. The Art of Happiness. London: Yellow Kite.

Lock, John.  1987. An Essay concerning Human Understanding, edit!d by Tom Griffith and introduction by Mark G Spencer. London: WordsworthbClassics of Worldl literature. 

Osho(n.d.) . My Way: The Way of the White Clouds. Kathmandu: Osho Tapoban Publication.

Pamuk, Orhan. 2007. Other Colours: Writings on Life, Art, Books and Cities.London: Faber and Faber.

Rinpoche, Khenchen Thrangu. 1994. The Four Noble Truths, edited by Linda Lewis and Judith Amzis. Kalmia: Namo Buddha Publications.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques. 1998. The Social Contract, edited by Tom Griffith. Translat!d by H.J. Tozer and introduction by Derek Matravers. London: Wordsworth Classics of World Literature.

Tagore, Rabindranath. 2002. Gitanjali. New Delhi: Indialog Publications Pvt.Ltd.

Thapa Prakash. 2006. Mountain Incantations. Kathmandu:  Silent Himalaya.


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